Emily O’Gorman, PhD

Dr. Emily O’Gorman earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology with a minor in quantitative psychology from the University of Toledo. She is currently a clinical child psychologist and second-year postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and she previously completed a postdoctoral fellowship in childhood trauma at Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins. Dr. O’Gorman’s research focuses on understanding risk and protective factors and underlying mechanisms associated with development and maintenance of mental health difficulties in high-risk and historically underserved youth. Dr. O’Gorman has expertise and interest in a broad range of quantitative and research methodologies, particularly multi-method data collection, psychometric analysis, and the use of structural equation modeling and mixture modeling to understand relationships among variables and heterogeneity across individuals.