Jamie Perin, PhD, MS

Jamie Perin received her PhD in Biostatistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2009. She then joined the Department of International Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health as an assistant scientist. Since joining International Health, she has enjoyed collaborating with a diverse group of researchers on issues relating to infectious diseases, child health, and child mortality. She also maintains an interest in statistical pursuits, including longitudinal and incomplete data, semi-parametric models, categorical data, clustered data, survival analysis, multiple imputation, and the EM algorithm. She has worked with the Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group on issues relating to the causes of child mortality and comorbidity of indectious conditions in young children. Currently she is also working with evaluating the Lived Saved Tool (LiST), the Category C Demonstration Project with the CCHR, tracking coverage levels of health interventions with the Countdown to 2015, and classifying verbal autopsy data.