Suzanne Grieb, Ph.D.

Dr. Grieb is a BEAD Core Faculty Lead and holds a joint faculty appointment in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH). Her research focuses on utilizing community engaged research to develop and implement interventions that address social determinants of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among minority and underserved populations. Dr. Grieb is currently a co-investigator on several projects, including a PCORI-funded grant that is testing a mobile health (mHealth) intervention aiming to improve retention in care among people living with HIV, an NIH-funded project evaluating a mobile health unit aiming to improve access to healthcare (including testing and treatment for HIV and other STIs) among people who inject drugs. More recently, she has also been funded to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with research focused on testing and vaccine uptake among Latino immigrants in Baltimore and a city-wide cluster-randomized comparative effectiveness trial to better understand testing acceptance and uptake.